Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First Blog

I felt compelled to start a little blog for family and friends simply to tell the funny and crazy stories of our every day life! I've also just turned 30 and being a mother to a 3 and 17 month old right now, has made me a little crazy too. My mind is not what it used to be...

It all started yesterday. It was pretty much the hottest day ever here in San Diego. I had to go grocery shopping in the morning. It was the usual stuff - Lachlan waking up half way through shopping, so I had to pull Isabella out of the carrier, put her in the main part of the trolley, put him in the carrier, put the car seat on the ground, put her up top in the cart and then put the car seat in with the groceries! Then we get to the register and he starts yelping again. It may be because I bumped his poor little foot while trying to unload the groceries. Meanwhile Isabella is trying to grab all the lollies she can get her little hands on. She is not allowed to eat sugar, but she likes to crinkle the wrappers.
We get home and I'm unpacking the bags and putting the food away when I stumble across some steak marinade. Hmmm. Not something I put in there. Then I remember that the whole baby change at the store was in the ketchup isle. The worst part is that I would have had to have handed it to the girl at the register and I still didn't notice! Looks like we'll be having steak for dinner this week.

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