Saturday, February 6, 2010

Funny Isabella

  • * Isabella asked me to hold her balloon. After a minute I put it down. She got mad because she really wants me to just hold it until she's ready to play with it again.
  • * Lachlan fell asleep in the car and I opened the door and brought him in and put him straight in bed. Isabella didn't notice and as I was shutting the front door she said 'Don't forget Lachlan! Oh, ok, I'll get him.'
  • * When the Dinosaur song comes on Isabella says 'Lachlan, Dance!'
  • * I put her down for a nap, but she'd had a short car nap and wasn't tired. After 30 minutes in her crib, she called out to me 'Mummy, I'm awake!'
  • * Imagine Isabella saying the most shocking 'Oh no! What happened' when I turned the music off. She is so dramatic.

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