Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Funny Isabella

* Isabella was being a bit naughty one day so Dan sat down at her table in her play pen and said to her 'Lets have a talk'. We thought she was listening to him and understood. The next day she says Talk Daddy. She thinks a talk means come in her playpen and sit at her table and play!
* As I was picking out my shoes to wear today, Isabella came to my closet and stood beside me and said 'Hmmm.' I must say that when I'm trying to choose something.
* Today I said Stop to Isabella when she got out of the car in the car park. So she said 'Stop. Hold Hands. Watch your head.' So funny. I say those things to her almost every time we get out of the car. The Watch your head is for when I'm shutting the car door.
* Dan went away this week for work and Isabella keeps saying he went on a Hairplane.

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