Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Funny Isabella

* Isabella said Garbage Truck and I told her that it was just a regular truck. She called the next car that came by a Regular Car.
* Isabella wanted some strawberries. Dan said 'What do you say?' and Isabella said Please. Then he handed them to her and said 'What do you say?' and she said Please. He said 'No, after please', instead of saying Thank-You she said 'After Please'.
* I told Isabella we were going shopping after the Science Museum. She said to me 'Puppy's Waiting'. I think that was her way of telling me she was tired.
* When we were in the car park at the commissary yesterday Isabella saw a guy's back who was in a flight suit. She called out to him: 'Daddy, Daddy'. It wasn't Dan.
* When Isabella is done singing a song she claps and yells out YAAAAYYYYYY! We definitely give her enough praise.

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